Running efficient centre IQA – how to get and maintain a low risk rating | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
How to broaden my business base using other ITC qualifications. Double bubble qualifications | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Using the ITC blueprint for deep active learning | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
ITC regulated qualifications – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Customer care | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Blended / Remote ITC | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
The move beyond sole trader | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Remote EQA – Why, How, Who. | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Clusters Who, What, Where, When, Why, How - ITC perspective | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Catch up with big picture of what ITC is up to | Date to be arranged when sufficient interest |
Future Possible Topics/Events End of point assessments and the leap into apprenticeships Join us on a subsidised (a bit) day out to meet ITC staff and have a jolly | Date/s to be arranged when sufficient interest |