ITC First - The Awarding Organisation that Cares

Top 10 Tips for Starting a First Aid Training Business

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Taking the plunge and starting your own small business can be daunting and exciting all at the same time.  Here at ITC we're often asked by new Centres how they go about starting up their business and this post provides a few ideas of considerations to be made prior to completing a Centre application and making it all a reality.

The following advice was provided by current ITC First Centres as part of a discussion on the ITC Trainer Forum.  The contributors have a wealth of experience, not only of delivery of first aid qualifications, but also running successful training businesses.  Thank you to all the contributors and perhaps take a look at their websites.

All ITC Centre staff are welcome to join the ITC Trainer Forum.  Search ‘ITC Trainer Forum’ on FaceBook, to join in the discussion.

1.  Find a mentor who is local to you, as you will be spending a lot of time with them. 

– Will, Will4adventure

2.  Plan for your first 12 months considering all costs 

– Mark, ITC First

3.  Find your niche. Know and develop your area of expertise. Network within the niche, make contacts and deliver quality 

– Maxine, Peritia Training

4. Have a plan B, C, D, E, F… (you get the picture) 

– Alistair, North Pennines Training

5. I would say build a network, decide what you are good at and want to specialise in and signpost clients to your network if its not your strength – your clients really respect that and it works two ways with colleagues in the network 

– Jill Webb, SEB Training 

6. Do a budget.  A proper one, not a few optimistic lines without all possible costs included 

– Andy, 4 Minutes Training  

7. Budget for and give it 3 years if you really want to make it work

– Andrea, First Aid Training Plus

8. Plan your qualification delivery and read the guidance from the awarding body

– Mark, ITC First

9. Winning work on price alone is not really winning – its just saying you don’t value your product as much as you competitors value theirs 

– Alistair, North Pennines Training

10. Unless you have lots of clients waiting in the wings, expect to make a loss in your first year

- Mark, ITC First

Do you have advice for those considering a starting a training business?

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