ITC First - The Awarding Organisation that Cares

Sport First Aid - 2 days (ITC)

Person practising chest compressions on a dummy

This qualification is for the sports person, coach, spectator or other involved adult. As well as the basic life support and illness management topics found upon most first aid courses, this course includes key sports topics such as return to play decisions, managing specialist sports kit such as gum shields, when to and not to use ice, and sports specific first aid such as managing winding, blows to testicles, dead leg, possible compartment syndrome and other sports related first aid concerns.


Experienced professional trainer/assessors with an active professional interest in First Aid training. The trainer/assessors delivering this course will typically have a professional background in sport or be active practitioners in their own leisure time, with experience and commitment to working with groups in the sporting environment. Courses are delivered by Independent ITC Providers or local ITC Centres.


  • 1:12 tutor to candidate ratio
  • successful completion gives candidates a certificate in Sport First Aid
  • Certificate valid lifetime of 3 years
  • Qualification can be revalidated by attending another Sport First Aid course



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