ITC First - The Awarding Organisation that Cares

Advanced Outdoor First Aid (ITC)

Person practising chest compressions on a dummy

This course is designed especially for the outdoor person who may be away from immediate help for some time. It covers requirements for the outdoor national governing body Instructor awards, making you advanced at the basics and skillful at techniques.  It builds upon previous knowledge enhancing casualty monitoring techniques and extending incident management skills.  Candidates will have had previous experience of Outdoor First Aid training. 

Do you wish to teach Outdoor First Aid?  All trainer/assessors of ITC Outdoor First Aid are required to hold this ITC certificate as part of their evidence of occupational competency - IOL Professional Framework Band 4.


The trainers delivering this course will have a professional background in outdoor developmental work or be active practitioners in their own leisure time, with experience and commitment to working with groups in the outdoor environment. Trainers of this course also have a 'hands on' casualty handling background; eg. paramedic, mountain/cave rescue or event First Aider.

Topics include:  Managing incidents safely, proactively interpreting vital signs, dealing with unconsciousness in hostile environments, resuscitation adult/child urban/remote, aed, improvisation and managing injury and illness, dealing with the environment, scenario based outdoor training, disaster planning and triage.


Training includes:

  • 18 hours tutor contact time
  • 1:12 tutor to candidate ratio
  • Interactive hands on training
  • Easy to follow, comprehensive individual course booklet
  • Course can be tailored for mountain, snow, water or cavesport
  • Convenient midweek or weekend courses
  • Certificate valid for 3 years


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