Advanced First Aid Refresher - 16 hours (ITC)
This is a comprehensive advanced first aid training programme, in addition to key life saving skills and response to common emergencies and minor medical complaints, it also deals with advanced airway management, using various airway adjuncts covering the use of bag, valve and mask equipment with the addition of oxygen, specialist splinting, safe moving, illness, burns and environmental factors
The length of the progressive, essential practical programme allows for a thorough analysis of emergency situations in which personnel may be involved. Candidates are given ample opportunity to practice the wide range of skills taught and gain underpinning knowledge to enable the skills to be properly applied.
Trainers of this course have clinical expertise as well as the necessary teaching and assessment skills. The candidate experiences progressive skill development where techniques and context are developed so that by the end of the course candidates are managing incidents that may occur in their work environment. Assessment is by tutor observation of practical competency.
Topics include: Advanced First Aid Rationale, Industry needs, Vital Signs, ABCDE Approach, Primary Survey, Secondary Survey, Casualty Monitoring, Conscious Casualty Assessment, Treating Collapse, Manual Opening of Airways, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Choking, Airway Adjuncts, Aspirating Airways, Bag, Valve, Mask Ventilation, Pulse-Oximeter, Oxygen Administration, Auto-defibrillation, Dealing with Wounds, Shock, Haemostatic Agents, Pressure Bandaging, Use of Tourniquets, Non-pharmacological Pain Control, Entonox Administration, Fractures and Dislocations, Treating Arm Injuries, Hydraulic Arm Injuries, Treating Lower Leg Injuries, Treating Upper Leg injuries, Pelvic Injuries, Head Injuries, Neck and Spinal Injuries, Chest Injuries, Abdominal Injuries, Airway Disorders, Epilepsy, Chest Pain, Stroke, Diabetes, Anaphylaxis, Hypothermia, Immersion and Drowning, Hyperthermia, Burns, Suspension Trauma, Incident Management.