Spotlight on... Level 2 Diploma in Safe Working Practice in the Wind Turbine Industry
The wind energy sector, in particular the offshore component of this is growing at a phenomenal rate and is estimated to continue to grow at 15% per year. A growing sector requires a continued supply of driven and qualified individuals to work and support it. ITC First is doing its part by continuing to offer a Level 2 Diploma in Safe Working Practice in the Wind Turbine Industry and a Level 1 Certificate in Safe Working Practice in the Wind Turbine Industry. Both qualifications have been successfully delivered over the past 4 years to hundreds of learners.
Developed with prestigious training providers and supported by significant employers in the wind energy sector, the Level 2 Diploma is delivered to enthusiastic and motivated learners seeking to enter into employment supporting the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of wind turbines. The Level 2 qualification is aligned with and mapped to the current Global Wind Organisation (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST) course, which allows Centres to offer a robust vocational qualification plus the industry specific certificates required in this sector*. The course itself covers basic health and safety, working at heights, first aid, marine safety, working in confined spaces, basic electronics, manual handling and employment skills, offering a complete package for those looking to enter this fast-paced industry. The learners complete a portfolio, including practice of crucial safety skills, written work and self-guided study leading to job applications and personal statement writing.
Centres that are currently delivering this qualification have typically reported that 70%+ (with figures as high as 85%) of those completing gain employment with employers in this sector within a few weeks, a testament to the learners, the Centre staff involved and the qualification itself.
This qualification is perfect for Colleges and training providers already involved in this growing sector, especially those who have access to a pool, and other industrial training resources and equipment.
The Level 2 Diploma is currently eligible (as of September 2019) for ESFA 19+ funding, where access to funding exists. Local funding via Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) or other sources may also exist in your area.
Interested in delivering this qualification? – contact the ITC Office for an informal chat
Interested in booking on to a course? – take a look at the course finder
Perhaps you already deliver an in-house induction programme that you would like accreditation for? This is something ITC has significant experience with and a proven track record in. Get in touch if this is something your company is interested in.
*Centres seeking to offer a dual course will need to be independently registered and approved as a GWO training provider.