ITC First - The Awarding Organisation that Cares

Motorcyclist First Aid and Train the Trainer

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This ITC course has been delivered at ITC Centres since 2003 using specialist motorcyclist trainers.

The established course has been rewritten to enable non-biker first aid trainers to deliver motorbike specific first aid

Emergency First Aid for Motorcyclists  can be promoted to support road user first aid courses, outdoor first aid or can be run as one day motorcyclist + one day outdoor first aid for the niche market in long distance overseas expedition and solo riders. There is an established market with clubs, groups, bike meets, most dealers are supportive of advertising, specialist groups such as Rospa, MAG, BMF and IAM are aware of the course and have supported the course in the past.

Motorcyclist First Aid Trainer

To promote and help Centres deliver this new version of the Motorcyclist First Aid course ITC will arrange events throughout 2016. 

The 2-day programme includes attending a pubic motorcyclist first aid course, opportunities to analyse and deliver the programme in a training environment after viewing the course, all course materials, PowerPoint, course administration, handouts, course teaching programme etc.  There is a cost of £150 to cover costs of the Trainer event.

Next event;  January 16-17, 2016, in Hartlepool.

Organisation Member IOL
Living Wage Employer