First Aid Qualifications - COVID19 - Learner FAQ
When will first aid training courses return?
First aid courses have already restarted and ITC Centres are beginning to add courses to the course finder now, for the upcoming weeks and months. Please keep your attention on the course finder for upcoming courses.
Is it safe to complete my first aid qualification?
No course can be 100% risk free, but the UK government and ITC has provided Centres with guidance and advice on minimising the risk of spreading COVID19 when delivering first aid qualifications. The guidance provides ITC Centres with guidance on using PPE, organising courses and preventing ‘high risk’ individuals from entering the training room to minimise risks to all involved on a course. Based on current government guidance and existing best practice within the industryCentres already have robust Health & Safety policies and risk assessments in place, which are quality assured by ITC.
Will I be required to come into close contact with others during my course?
Whilst most of the course will take place with you at least 2 metres away from any other people, as per the current government guidelines and in line with national first aid sector guidance, you will be required to demonstrate first aid techniques on fellow attendee during the course in order to complete the necessary assessment. Where this is unavoidable ITC Centres have been provided with guidance on reducing risk of spreading COVID19, as above.
Can I complete my first aid course online?
100% online first aid qualifications are not permitted by the HSE. Current HSE guidance allows for a combination of 1/3 online/blended learning: 2/3 face-to-face delivery for certain qualifications e.g. First Aid at Work. The majority of ITC Centres are continuing to deliver their training 100% face-to-face with comprehensive measures in place to reduce the risk of spreading COVID19. Blended learning options may be available and learners are advised to contact their ITC Centre directly in this regard, but all assessment must be completed face-to-face.
Do I have an extension to complete my re-qualification?
Those of you holding First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid (or variations thereof) qualifications that expired on or after the 16 March 2020, have an initial extension until 16 June 2020. The HSE have subsequently provided guidance which allows a further 3-month extension, provided you have sought training and were unable to find a suitable course and have kept evidence confirming this. Individuals that qualify for this further extension have until 30 September 2020 to re-qualify.
Has my Outdoor First Aid qualification validity period been extended?
The same rules are currently being applied as above, however anyone using their OFA to validate their National Governing Body (NGB) coaching and/or instructor awards are urged to contact their NGB directly to confirm their approach, as well as contacting your insurance provider to confirm that cover will still be in place during the period of ‘extension.’ Outdoor First Aid qualifications are now beginning to appear on the ITC course finder and we advise you check availability in your area.