Values and Ethos
It is often difficult to state your values, ethics and culture without it sounding insincere and hollow, but here’s the thing, unless you tell people in the written form, your values and ethics are potentially nebulous and intangible.
Hopefully this explains our values and standards in as least a corporate mumbo-jumbo way as possible.
ITC First is a business with strong ethics. We are a family run, successful and growing Awarding Organisation and when you work with ITC First you join the family. Our business is to support your business. We treat people as we would expect to be treated, putting individuals first providing them with an inspirational ITC First experience.
What are ITC First’s values?
Care – Legitimately care, not just state that we do and then do something to the contrary. We know that often businesses, companies and organisations tend to use other words for this which mean nothing. For us this means everything. All that we do as an organisation is because we care about the people that work for ITC First, work with ITC First and anyone else we interact with. Care means we treat everyone as an individual; we listen, help and guide individuals and businesses to make appropriate and ethical decisions to help them grow and prosper. Care also means that ITC First makes decisions which promote business growth that is considered, sustainable and does not hinder growth for others.
Support – ITC First will spend time and effort to help our team and Centres grow, regardless of financial potential or business size. All businesses should have the opportunity to achieve their goals and where possible, and within the limits of our expertise, we will help, whether through informal advice, formal guidance or a simple conversation.
Transparency – When working with an organisation, nothing should be ‘hidden’ or only known to those ‘in the know.’ We strive to make as much of what we know and do available to those with a legitimate interest.
Sustainability – Everyone says this but what does that mean? For ITC First, this means operating and growing as a business which uses its resources wisely to grow in a way which:
- Does not rely on external finance,
- Reduces or minimises impact on our local and global environment,
- Does not exploit low paid workers or does anything to the detriment of the organisations and businesses we work with.
Wherever possible our main suppliers are local to the main office, our staff are encouraged to travel using public transport and our waste (the little we generate) is dealt with appropriately.
ITC First’s Core Business Aims
- To be an ethical and sustainable business
- To be a fair, real living wage employer
- To prioritise business and sector drivers, recognising the need for change
ITC First's Awarding Organisation Aims
- To be the Awarding Organisation that develops and supports the sector/s we believe in
- To be the most supportive and caring Awarding Organisation
- To enhance professional standards
Why do we do this?
- Because we actually care
- Because we want to support sectors with core values aligned to our own
- Because we are committed to contributing to our qualification sectors
How do we do this?
- By maintaining positive relationships
- A people-centred approach to Centre support
- Through our renowned culture of feedback
- Engaging with professional bodies/groups and industry experts
- Developing relevant, innovative, purposeful and valid qualifications and educational products
- Utilising robust systems to ensure the highest quality outcomes for all
- A single minded focus on ensuring that the customer is central to all business activity
- By creating a learning culture to improve individual and team performance
- By setting a positive leadership example
- increase brand awareness with enhanced digital marketing, corporate sponsorship and event attendance
"Trade is essential, but needs not to be exploitative
Profit is fine, but not greed
Reward is in fulfilment, but not in avarice
Growth is okay, but not by trampling over people"
This philosophy is not a process, tool or formula but pervades our entire activity.
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